Facebook : des clips publicitaires qui se lancent automatiquement dès cet été ?
19 avril 2013
La SNCF part à la conquête des marchés internationaux avec de nouveaux services et un moteur de recherche
23 avril 2013Si les marques investissent pour être présentes sur le réseau social, c’est pour encourager les Amis à venir dépenser leur bon argent dans leurs boutiques, en ligne ou physiques.
Mais quelle est la valeur d’un membre, et celle d’un internaute qui n’est pas Fan ? Résultats sous forme graphique dans l’article.
A Facebook fan is worth $174 to a brand, up 28% since 2010, according to Syncapse, a social media marketing firm.
Syncapse worked with research firm Hotspex on a survey based on data collected from more than 2,000 U.S. panelists in late January and early February. The study compared Facebook fans and non-fans based and their corresponding product spending, brand loyalty, propensity to recommend, media value, cost of acquisition and brand affinity to arrive at the figure.
Though $174 is an average figure, the value varies from brand to brand:
The reason, says Syncapse CEO Michael Scissons, is « what a consumer would spend on Zara vs. Coke. » A higher average purchase price makes a fan more valuable.
The study also contrasts fans and non-fans. The former are much more active in social media. The average fan is a fan of 10 brand pages at a given time. On the other hand, almost two-thirds of non-fans have followed 10 or fewer brand pages. Three quarters of fans are likely to share good brand experiences and share promotions and discounts with their Facebook friends. About two-thirds of fans are likely to share a bad brand experience.
Sycapse isn’t the first to try to put a value on a Facebook fan. Another social media agency, SocialCode, claimed in 2011 that a Facebook fan was worth $10 — a far cry from Syncapse’s figure. That study assumed a cost-per-click of $1.
To download Syncapse’s full study, click here.
Thierry Barbaut